Sunday, November 7, 2010

No More I Love You's

I used to have demons in my room at night
Desire, despair, desire 

So many monsters

Her suitcases were packed. Everything of sentimental value was already moved. Slowly by slowly, little by little, shred by shred, she emptied her room until there was just the frame of the bed left. 

She looked at the empty wall...white silhouettes where once hung posters, pictures and memorabilia are all that remained of a time when her room was a prison and a refuge from her parents. 

Her graduation party was going on but how funny, no one noticed she was missing from it. 

Sneaking out the front door with her last two pieces of luggage, a friend takes them from her and put's them in the back seat of her car. 

Looking back, she hears music, laughter and loud adult conversation coming from the back yard. She thinks to herself, "one last time I will call you Mother and Father, then never again...

She hears her friend starting the car....No notes, no good-byes, no more I love you's. She enters the car, gives her friend a loving kiss, puts the car in gear, then drives off. 

She sees her friend waving to her in the rear-view mirror, breathes a heavy sigh, then turns onto the highway.  The shadows of her past are now one less than infinite.

1 comment:

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